G.L.O.B.E- Gay Lesbian or Bisexual Employees

Let’s work together, learn together and grow together!


G.L.O.B.E- Gay Lesbian or Bisexual Employees

Let’s work together, learn together and grow together!

The problem G.L.O.B.E- Gay Lesbian or Bisexual Employees solves

  1. ** No hiring platform for LGBTQ+ **
    There is no exclusive hiring platform for our friends from the LGBTQ+ community, we know it's hard paving a career path, and for our friends from the PRIDE community, it's even tougher.

  2. ** Diversity Hiring **
    Workplace diversity is important for the overall growth and contributes highly to an organisation's success. But companies and firms often find it difficult to find and hire people from the PRIDE community.

  3. ** Social Inclusion **
    The society often ignores the PRIDE community and treats them as different. It’s high time we address such issues and bring about a change in society.

  4. ** Helping the young, making the roots strong **
    Young people of this community often fear society & struggle to find career opportunities. Thus, we focus on jobs, internships and scholarships for them.

Challenges we ran into

  • Working in a team remotely was an exciting opportunity and a challenge for us, but it was fun working on the project in this hackathon.

  • We found it challenging to merge the front-end and back-end initially but some brainstorming over it helped us build the complete project.

  • Time constraint was a hurdle too but there is no fun in going smooth, and we absolutely loved building our project in the last 36-hours.

All in all, it was great fun building this project together.
