

A card game experience designed to add instant utility and maximum fun to NFT collections, while also supporting charities for children's mental health, animal sanctuaries, and cancer support groups.

The problem Gladiator solves

Gladiator is newly equipped and prepared to do good around the world. This Web3 integrated digital collectible card game experience now supports the ability to capture and distribute funds evenly between three types of charities and support its builders. As a passion project, deeply related to the creator's personal story, this project intends to foster mental wellness and joy for children, offer support for animal refuge, and cancer support for those seeking hope and comfort.

We accomplish this by disributing funds through a smart contract four ways:

• Children's Mental Health and Development - 25%
• Animal Sanctuaries - 25%
• Cancer Support - 25%
• Gladiator Builders and Open Source solutions - 25%

The charitable aspect of the Gladiator game is also inspired by the UN Sustainable Development goals No. 3, 15, and 8, aiming to foster support for everyone on earth.

The game was specifically designed to be accessible and easy to play, while also attracting younger generations to an inclusive and exciting experience. There are many poor quality Web3 projects in this space and this platform welcomes everyone 12+, introducing a whole new generation of users to Web3.

Around the time of the NFT craze of 2020-2021, there were many projects that promised a game experience and many un-used tokens. Often times it was never delivered, or it was rushed and arrived with poor quality. With this in mind, the Gladiator game was built to showcase the possibilities of modern accessible browser technology and Web3 integrations. These creators can now partner with Gladiator, giving their communities an exciting new experience. With the newly added 0x Swap API, crypto natives can now swap assets for in-game purchases, enhancing the game's experience, and directly supporting public good.

Challenges we ran into

The first challenge was finding an appropriate bounty that would make sense contextually for the Gladiator project. It wasn't until I met my teammate Julieta on Monday that I was able to find clear line-of-sight for new features that would enhance the game's experience. That meeting was instrumental – after sharing the project and my personal story, we were able create incentives that would entice communities to play and contibute to meaningful causes. And sharing the story wasn't easy, Julieta and I had to collaborate between a language barrier and busy schedules. Google Translate and frequent Telegram communication is what kept us effective.

At the technical level, this would be the first time I was integrating features that would extend my understanding of ERC20 tokens and working with the 0x Swap API. There were a few late nights of testing and documentation that I had to persist through, especially when working to split funds between four accounts in the smart contract.

I learned that ERC20 tokens have varying decimal values so in that case it wasn't safe to fractionalize the withdrawl of funds. While I may not decide to accept ERC20 payments for the long term, basic withdrawl to one wallet was the ideal way to support ERC20 tokens. Thankfully the fractionalized withdraw works greath for ETH and its 18 decimal places :)

Tracks Applied (2)

Impact & Public Goods

The Gladiator game is designed to delight players, bring communities together, and support public good by giving the lio...Read More

Simplify DeFi with 0x APIs

Part of the newly built in-game shop leverages the 0x Swap API to enable access to liquidity from other ERC20 tokens. Th...Read More


Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
