

GigGuru is a one-stop platform that directly connects clients with skilled workers for job requests. It features a negotiation chat window for optimal pricing and worker verification for trust.

The problem GigGuru solves

GigGuru features an elegant and easy to use user interface including a dark/light mode switch applied on the entire website. The pages are properly authenticated using JWT token and have well defined and protected routes which clearly guide the user to their end goal. At every required point of authentication, toasts are used to indicate to the user success or failure to access the required data. There are separate login routes for client and worker to ensure smooth collection of data. The users of this platform can be split into 3 sections:

  1. Client
    GigGuru makes it easier and safer for clients to get various jobs done. Clients can use it to post their job requests and view ongoing price negotiations of quotes received from skilled workers regarding their job. The negotiation chat window helps clients and workers reach an agreement on the best price for the job. At any point, the client may either accept the final price quoted by the worker or reject the worker's offer.
  2. Worker
    Workers benefit greatly from the GigGuru platform as it provides them with a platform to showcase their skills and expertise to a wide range of clients. The process of finding work and securing jobs is greatly streamlined, as workers can receive job requests and quote prices directly from a large number of clients through the platform. The negotiation chat window helps workers secure fair and competitive prices for their work, giving them more control over their income.
  3. Admin
    The admin user is responsible for verifying the workers on the platform using government ID. If the admin selects Verify, the worker is considered genuine and may now respond to listings. If the admin selects Reject, the worker's profile will be deleted from the website at once to ensure safety. The admin also has access to all worker-client listings, allowing them to monitor the platform and ensure that it is functioning smoothly. This allows the admin to address any possible issues efficiently.

Challenges we ran into

A major hurdle we faced initially was ensuring accurate and consistent authentication for user signup and login, along with protection of routes. We were able to resolve this issue after a while. Another major issue we faced was deciding how to integrate the negotiation chat window with our backend to ensure real time communication between the client and the worker.
