Created on 21st July 2019
One of the major problems in our country is unemployment. Since the major problems are caused by small roots, we decided to choose local employment. Local employment can be eradicated by several long-term methods which the 17 Sustainable Development goals fulfill but a current solution to unemployment can be done by using opportunities within the country within the local level of implementation. Since tourism acts as one of the biggest income sources for the country, it can be used to eradicate such local levels of unemployment to some extent. So, “Ghumna Jaam” is an application that tends to solve the problem of unemployment by implementing local guide sharing. It also can be used to solve the problem of frauds and cheaters that tourists have to face which leads to a bad impression upon our country. Also, the experience of Tourists has not been that good while finding good guides for them to hire. “Ghumna Jaam” app resolves all these problems as it has different user interfaces and interaction mechanisms for tourists, guides and support team with live map. The app implements guide hiring system along with feedback and rating system which reduces the chances of frauds and cheaters. Also, a profile system for guides has been made which needs to be verified by Citizenship and Photo so that no frauds or cheaters can register using a fake profile. Also, the cost for hiring the nearest local guide can be viewed and payment can be done from the app so that no hassle has to be made in order to pay the guide. Also, the feedback and rating system causes the guides to work better as the payment will be done based on the last rating of the guide. An emergency button can also be used while the tourist is in danger or needs help which alerts all the nearby guides through SMS which sends the location of the Tourist in danger. Through this, the experience of the guide can be made better which results increase in tourism and also creates employment opportunity for the local guides.
The problems we faced were as follows: