
A Traveller's Companion

The problem Ghumakkad solves

During this pandemic of COVID-19, the tourism industry has faced the most severe blow, as it has stroke chords of fear amongst the travellers, regarding huge crowds, social distancing, hygiene and much more.
So we came up with an idea, to make the process of travelling, and visiting the various places which represent the beautiful heritage of India, completely contactless, thereby enhancing safety, and blazing fast, thereby avoiding travellers to stand in never-ending queues.

  • On this platform, the user can check the live count, that is the number of visitors at the moment for every place listed. So that they can easily plan their trip accordingly.
  • We have integrated a QR system, that makes the process of imparting tickets completely contactless.
  • Also, it helps to make the process of billing, completely digital, and hassle-free.
  • Apart from that, the users can also seek Information about the different places on the app, and can also review them, if they want to.

Challenges we ran into

  • When we started with this app, the most challenging part of the app, was the QR part, and the billing part.
  • So for the QR part, we came up with a specific QR Code, which will just be compatible with our app, using which we can verify, that the QR Codes are authentic
  • And for the billing part, we integrated Cloud Firestore, to make this process, as secure as possible, without neglecting the need of speed.
