An NFT game where players move around in the real world to collect Geolocation based NFTs.

The problem GeoNFT solves

✨ What is GeoNFT ✨

GeoNFT is a play-to-earn game where creators and brands drop geo-location based NFTs. It’s an Augmented Reality game where users move into the real world to find NFTs in the virtual world. It’s an opportunity to add exclusivity while people invest in NFTs. Brands can create hunts in malls, and exhibitions to make their utility NFTs fun and interactive, adding a different style to their marketing strategies. This is the future of marketing in Web3.0.

💻🧰How we built it 🔧🔨

  • GeoNFT is a mobile dApp made using React-Native. We have used the Moralis Ethereum react-native boilerplate to build the whole app on react native.
  • The dApp uses Sequence as a wallet to onboard users quickly and let them make transactions seamlessly.
  • Moralis is used to store all the game information and associated NFTs.
  • IPFS is used to store all the NFT images and metadata.
  • We use NFTport's APIs to access the smart contracts, interact with them and make transactions.
  • Covalent is used to get all the NFTs deployed using the smart contracts so that they can be rendered in the respective games.
  • Pinata is used to store and manage all the NFT information.
  • The smart contract for the GeoNFTs is deployed on the polygon mumbai testnet. Contract Link

Applicable bounties 🏆🏅

  • Polygon - NFT game deployed on the polygon Mumbai testnet.
  • Filecoin and IPFS - used to store NFT images and metadata.

Challenges we ran into

Building a Mobile app with real-time location and integrating AR functionality with it was challenging. Linking the wallet to the mobile app was also challenging. But we were able to overcome these challenges by reading the documentation. it was tough to come up with clues for the games, we are going to make the clues more dynamic as well.
