Geo-marketing is a marketing strategy for offline traders where customers can connect offline traders and over come the hurdles of online marketing. It will be like virtually carrying the entire shops

Created on 1st March 2020



Geo-marketing is a marketing strategy for offline traders where customers can connect offline traders and over come the hurdles of online marketing. It will be like virtually carrying the entire shops

The problem GEO-MARKETING solves

Day by day Indian market is growing exponentially and creating opportunities for billions and millions of business market entrepreneurs. Both online and offline market combines to form the large Indian market. The offline market which makes a huge impact on the Indian economic growth. But, the lack of specific and appropriate platform for local vendors indirectly affects the Growth and Development of the country. So we are aiming to develop a project to expand the Indian market by
giving more importance to local vendors.Geo-Marketing is a strategy for this offline or local vendors to connect with their customers. In the proposed project we are intended to develop an android application which will enable vendor to virtually open a shop with the product details. This application will predict the shops with geographical location and direction by analyzing customer/user interests. The Idea is to gather more data and create more offline environment for local vendors which will help Data analyst to analyze with more amount of data.

Challenges we ran into

To create a centralized server which should connect to all users and server their request. The mail challange was to build Database and connect it with android application. First thing we still not explored Android studio and we started to learn it after getting into hackathon.


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