Possible solution - Manually verifying cannot be completely replaced, but what can be done is, filter out those accounts that are getting referrals from other verified accounts.
Possible solution - We think of the following ways:
>- Showing the top posts, here top posts refer to the posts that are receiving a lot of activity lately, that is comments, likes, etc.
>- Monitoring user behavior, we can capture the niche of posts this user has liked, and we will keep showing related posts.
- Uploader’s Information - If a post comes from a doctor, it is likely to be something related to the medical industry.
- Post tags - A non-medical guy may also post about recent medical developments, then these can be categorized out by the help of the tags it contains. Thus maintaining app relevance throughout.
- User’s Location - The location of the user is one more thing that can be used for the purpose. An Indian would be more interested in a post coming out about India only.