
Genuine world for the Genz!

Created on 21st June 2021



Genuine world for the Genz!

The problem GenuineZ solves

  • Mark of genuineness - People can apply with proof that they are professionals in their respective fields, say a verified doctor, retailers, or even sportsperson. With this, a separate space is created for each of these professionals. This need was greatly felt when everyone was looking for genuine medical services for say ventilator or oxygen but could find none.
  • Posts - For maintaining platform presence, professionals can post about general things going in their respective fields, let’s say front-end react developers can post about new libraries and stuff. These posts would be shown to interested people, helping the professionals attract an audience and people in getting assistance.
  • Chat-Consultation - After finding the correct set of people can reach out to these people through chat and request paid/unpaid assistance.

Challenges we ran into

  • Verifying the documents - Verifying a doctor would require documents different from that for verifying a retailer, and also verifying manually would be a herculean task. We will have to think of a way.

Possible solution - Manually verifying cannot be completely replaced, but what can be done is, filter out those accounts that are getting referrals from other verified accounts.

  • Showing the relevant posts - To engage the non-professional users... We will have to think of ways for showing them relevant posts every time they open the app.

Possible solution - We think of the following ways:
>- Showing the top posts, here top posts refer to the posts that are receiving a lot of activity lately, that is comments, likes, etc.
>- Monitoring user behavior, we can capture the niche of posts this user has liked, and we will keep showing related posts.

  • Categorizing the posts - For maintaining the relevance of the posts for the users, we can use the following things -
    • Uploader’s Information - If a post comes from a doctor, it is likely to be something related to the medical industry.
    • Post tags - A non-medical guy may also post about recent medical developments, then these can be categorized out by the help of the tags it contains. Thus maintaining app relevance throughout.
    • User’s Location - The location of the user is one more thing that can be used for the purpose. An Indian would be more interested in a post coming out about India only.

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