Genome analysis

Who Can Best Manage Changes – Survives

The problem Genome analysis solves

A living thing that adopt itself to the environmental changes can survive in this world. As per this law our covid also get mutated lots and lot. By analysing the genetic sequence of covid mutations and comparing we can easily found next mutation.
Precaution is better than cure , as like that being ready for the future hybrid muted viruses will be essential at this time.
Identify the proteins in the amino acids using the standard codon table
Plot a graph which shows the concentration of each of these amino acids.
Visualise DNA sequence of COVID,SARS,MERS which are also two other viruses that have caused widespread havoc nationwide.
Identify Nucleotide similarity between COVID,SARS,MERS and its mutants …

Covid mutations

Biopython - Library in python for research in bioinformatics and bio-related concepts,
Squiggle - Squiggle is a two dimensional DNA visualisation library.

Challenges we ran into

We have faced a challenge at a spot where the dataset size is too large. Its take long time process Genome sequence.
