Building bridges between teachers and students through effective communication

The problem solves

An effective teacher-student communication website can solve several problems, such as:

Communication barriers: Sometimes, students may hesitate to approach their teachers due to communication barriers, such as language differences or lack of confidence. A dedicated website can help to overcome these barriers by providing a common platform where students can communicate with their teachers comfortably and conveniently.

Misunderstandings: Misunderstandings can arise due to miscommunication, which can lead to confusion and mistakes. A communication website can help to minimize these misunderstandings by providing a clear and organized channel for students and teachers to exchange information, ask questions, and clarify doubts.

Accessibility: Students may face challenges in attending physical office hours or scheduling meetings with their teachers due to busy schedules or distance. A communication website can provide a flexible and accessible way for students to connect with their teachers at any time, from any location.

In terms of how helpful it will be to students with different learning styles, a communication website can offer several benefits. For example:

Visual learners: Students who learn best through visual aids, such as diagrams and images, can benefit from the use of multimedia tools on a communication website, such as videos or presentations.

Auditory learners: Students who learn best through spoken words can benefit from features such as voice or video calls that allow them to interact with their teachers in real-time.

Kinesthetic learners: Students who learn best through hands-on experiences can benefit from interactive features on a communication website, such as collaborative whiteboards or project management tools, that enable them to engage in practical activities and exercises.

Challenges we ran into

Integration of the ML model, adding web sockets, and integration of the power BI dashboard.
