
Gated-meet-storage helps in recording meet streamed on Huddle01 and later helps in storing it in token-gated and encrypted way on IPFS and Filecoin using Lighthouse SDK.

The problem Gated-meet-storage solves

Gated-meet-storage helps teachers, instructors, content-creator or anyone who wish to stream and teach their skills through Huddle01 by Token-Gating their streams and they can also record their stream and store it on IPFS or Filecoin in encrypted and gated fashion such that the users who wish to view their streams can purchase their tokens and access it.

Currently Huddle01 has the feature of Token-Gated meet, by integrating it with Lighthouse SDK I am trying to help users to even record and store their stream in Token-Gated manner to increase their revenue flow and their audience can watch the streams later.

Challenges I ran into

Currently Huddle01 SDK does not allow to record the stream and directly send it to a particular desired location, which for my usecase I wanted to record the stream and send it to Lighthouse SDK to store it in encrypted way on IPFS or Filecoin. Hence for POC I had to fetch it from s3/IPFS manually and then store it on Lighthouse.

Currently Lighthouse SDK does not have feature to fetch and upload video in encrypted way directly from IPFS link, Hence I had to download and upload the recorded meet manually from the system.

Tracks Applied (3)

Social Platform

This project helps the DAO community to gather on the meet and the people having tokens can join the meet and later they...Read More

Gated Content Platform

This platform aims to record the meet streamed on Huddle01 and store it in token-gated and encrypted way on IPFS/Filecoi...Read More

Build using LightHouse SDK

In this project Lighthouse SDK is being used to store the recorded meet through Huddle01 in token-gated way on IPFS/File...Read More
