Futhine can be used for fault detection in machinery and improving plant efficiency in manufacturing industry. It is revolutionizing machines by retrofitting them and integrating new technologies, including Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing ,analytics, and AI and ML into their production facilities and throughout their operations. In manufacturing plants , a hundreds of operations are performed and are machine dependent , hence there is a dire need to monitor the health of machines and to modify the existing machines through technology. We monitor each and every part of machine and detect the fault in it, which saves a lot of time, increases the efficiency of plant and labour costs. Moreover , now a machinist just need to switch on the server starts the machine by choosing the operation. The sensors , plc , hmdi helps us to collect the data and hence this data can be used for doing reseach work as well. Worker's safety is ensured in this way , the process is automated and it leads to sustainable development. It is estimated by the federal US government that manufacturing operations use about one-third of the total amount of energy consumed annually in the country. Hence we promote time-saving practices. Saving time is an excellent way to achieve more energy efficiency. If we run a production cycle faster, we can have more time to shut down and save power.
Different machines have different operations which requires different sensors so , figuring out that , then programming it according to that operation is challenging and at the same time it was fun!
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