
A Montage of Mathematical Machines!


The problem FusionLedger solves

We are building a new ledger for wide spectrum of autonomous interactions between humans, humans and machines and machine to machine touchpoints. This is a Distributed Ledger Technology for Decentralised Data Stream Management using Cryptographic Primitives and Coherent Consensus Algorithms. Future Forward Fusion of On-chain randomness and off-chain randomness. This is a reference implementation of the FusionLedger framework for On-chain and Off-chain interaction between real work data and digital world institutions. FusionOracles will represent the real-world data and FractalDAOs represent the digital world institutions like Banks, Treasuries, Markets, etc.

Challenges I ran into

Major issues are due to different versions of Solidity and the varying syntax and semantics of constructs in these versions. We also faced issues in using the truffle framework as it does not support the latest versions of Solidity.
