Furnishare Recycling 2022

Decreasing furniture, clothing, and electronic waste one item at a time.

The problem Furnishare Recycling 2022 solves

Furnishare♻️🪑 🛋️
Furnishare was inspired by our observation of noticing trashed furniture on the streets of our cities. According to Environmental Protection Agency, the amount of furniture ending up in landfills in North America rose to 9.69 million tons in 2015.The mobile application allows users to upload pictures of nearby usable furniture, clothes, or electronics that have been put out for recycling. Users can give a short description along with condition rating to help aid other users who are looking for items to reuse. People looking for furniture, clothing, or electronics can go on the app and find the nearest locations where these items were found by other users. We believe this will help cut down waste while also helping the community.

Challenges I ran into

It was the first time we worked with maps and geolocation, so that was a challenging yet rewarding experience. It was Ana's first time with react native as well, and so she had to overcome some hurdles as well.
