Fuelcaster: Farcaster goes fuelish.

Fuelcaster: Farcaster goes fuelish.

Ditch the faucets and claim your Fuel assets seamlessly within Farcaster

Built at ETHMumbai

The problem Fuelcaster: Farcaster goes fuelish. solves

  1. New user onboarding: Newcomers to fuel network struggle to acquire initial fuel, hindering network growth.
  2. Inefficient Distribution: Traditional Faucets are impersonal and don't reward user contributions
  3. Encourages Content Creation: Encourages engagement on Farcaster by adding incentivization using Karma3labs.

Challenges I ran into

Frames.js issued multiple version changes just before a few hours of submission which broke my application but I had everything working prior to it so had enough things to showcase during Demo. Apart from this, I plan onto building the same idea and complete it next week

Tracks Applied (1)

Best UI for Sway application

Onboards New Users: Makes Fuel easier to acquire, expanding the Fuel Network user base. Drives Network Activity: Rewards...Read More


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