FUD Crypter

FUD Crypter

A tool used for the red teams to evaluate the effectiveness of antivirus and firewall system.

Created on 18th March 2023

FUD Crypter

FUD Crypter

A tool used for the red teams to evaluate the effectiveness of antivirus and firewall system.

The problem FUD Crypter solves

Customer Problems:
● Difficulty in evading detection by antivirus software during testing
● Limited options for testing antivirus effectiveness in a controlled environment.
● Need for advanced encryption techniques to secure sensitive information

Solution: The FUD Crypter provides a valuable tool for red teamers and security researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of antivirus software and conduct controlled security assessments. It uses advanced encryption techniques and may also incorporate code obfuscation and anti-debugging measures to successfully evade detection.

Testing the effectiveness of antivirus software:
Antivirus software is designed to detect and remove malware from a system. However, as malware authors become more sophisticated, traditional antivirus programs may not be able to detect all types of malware. The FUD Crypter can be used to create malware that is specifically designed to evade antivirus software. By testing this malware against different antivirus programs, security researchers can identify weaknesses and improve the effectiveness of these programs.

Conducting controlled security assessments:
In some cases, red teamers may need to test the security of a system or network without causing any actual harm. The FUD Crypter can be used to create malware that is designed to mimic the behavior of real-world threats without actually causing any damage. This allows red teamers to assess the security of a system without risking the loss of data or downtime.

Developing new techniques for malware detection and analysis:
The FUD Crypter can also be used to develop new techniques for malware detection and analysis. By creating malware that is difficult to detect and analyze, researchers can identify new methods for detecting and analyzing malware. These new techniques can then be used to improve the effectiveness of antivirus software and other security tools.

Challenges we ran into

FUD Crypter is a software tool that encrypts a payload and creates an executable file. The tool uses RSA encryption to encrypt an AES key and that RSA Encryption is then backed with the ECC Encryption via Public Key, which is then used to encrypt the payload using AES encryption. The resulting encrypted AES key and encrypted payload are then combined to create an executable file. The tool also obfuscates the executable using PyArmor for added security.


  1. FUD Crypter works by encrypting the payload file using AES encryption with a randomly generated key.

  2. The key is then encrypted using RSA encryption with a public key.

  3. The encrypted public key is then again encrypted via the ECC public key for enhanced security

  4. Both the encrypted key and the encrypted payload are embedded in a Python script stub.

  5. When the obfuscated executable is executed, the script stub is decrypted and executed.

  6. The script then decrypts the AES key using ECC and RSA decryption with a private key, and uses the decrypted key to decrypt the payload.

  7. The decrypted payload is then executed.

  8. This process ensures that the payload file remains encrypted and cannot be accessed without the private key, providing an additional layer of security.

9.The obfuscation of the executable also helps to prevent reverse engineering and tampering.

Tracks Applied (1)

Security & Audit

The FUD Crypter project fits into the Security & Audit track by providing a tool for security researchers and red teamer...Read More


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