Created on 19th April 2020
Human interaction as we know is diminishing, as well as the negative news that the COVID-19 virus brings with has made life into a complete standstill . In this midst of this negativity we decided to make an app that helps in making friends with a twist. Our main focus is to make an app which makes the basic Basically the app allows the user to meet people with similar interest this is done through a chat log . Where the 2 users of similar interest is given put under a same a chat log of 10 mins. Within this time they can decide whether to add them as friends based on the chat they had. Only if there is acceptance from both sides will they be acquainted. For instance if a User A and User B are in the chat log of 10 min only when both recognizes as friends in the time span can they get private info etc from each other. If the above condition is not met then later information cannot be obtained. Also the user is also given an option to exit/block the chat before the time span . This helps in the security of every individual user very much by ensuring the decision only to the user and therefore keeps a check on the dynamic aspect of people interaction in check . Further we have added a section which allows like minded people join the chat like say based on the interest like if people who are interested in the coronavirus topic can easily get into the trend. Therefore, it adds on to the dynamicity of the app which lacks in most social media apps.
This one week that we went through was indeed a very eventful one with lot of emotions though it was an online hackathon. As in every team project we too had little fatalities, the main problem that we had to undergo was the network error. Due to the present scenario we had problems in the front end designing due to which as we could not get the necessary resources that we needed for the purpose . Communication was also very hard due to recent news of voice interface communication apps. But despite all the aforementioned problems that we went through we were very impressed by the support that we had received the HACKON community. And by with the help of other community we were able to bring up a prototype for the app that we had planned to build. With the time span and topic we received we believe that this prototype could help in enjoying time in this lockdown situation that most metropolitan as well as rural areas are going through. Due to the dynamicity of the app we believe it could impact every age community and therefore bring out the positive aspect that we intend to bring up.
Technologies used