Student's life has a lot of issues, from managing academics to extensive hardships along the way. One major challenge is to locate classes and to remember the timetable due to the sheer amount of courses offered and the amount of buildings that offer them. This is especially so in case of VIT, as we generally dont have cellular access everywhere to use the VITian app (an android app by VIT) in order to figure out the next class, and offline screenshots generally don't do justice to the fast paced nature of students. This is especially so for iOS users as the web portal isnt necessarily optimised for Safari and there's no iOS app for the same (VITian is Android only and is in its beta stage)
We plan to solve the problem ( in general but currently targetted towards VIT) by creating IOT RFID based modules that are centrally connected to a singular database as per the customer's (VIT's) request. The module's base functionality is as follows,
Technologies used