Keep a track on your frens on the blockchain

The problem FRENS :) solves

This project is built on the ETHIndia track of building a social blockchain explorer. This mobile first application lets us add friends and other crypto investors and can keep a track on what tokens and NFTs they hold and can also track their transactions on chain in simple language in real time. The blockchain data is queried on the Rinkeby test network as it is an ethereum explorer but the contract has been deployed on polygon which has low gas fees and would not affect the performance of the app as the address for both networks would be same. This app can help keep track of our investments and also get insights on how the market might move by analysing the transaction of other people, whales, etc. It has a very easy to use UI and hence would have a smooth onboarding process. Future works could include building a community fund management protocol like smallcase on crypto

Challenges I ran into

Spent more than 8 hours on a bug where I was not able to get display the blockchain data on the front end, everytime i refreshed it used to keep disappearing. A mentor from Devfolio helped me fix it.
