" Smart inventory management for a smarter canteen operation ! "

The problem 405 FOUND solves

Hello everyone we present to you our very own Inventory Management System for Tiwari uncle's canteen , We've designed the system with the latest technologies in c++, making it user-friendly and intuitive for everyone. Whether you're a tech-savvy canteen employee or a customer who prefers the traditional ways of ordering, our system has got you covered .
The Development of an Inventory Management System for "Tiwari Uncle’s Canteen" using C++ aims to provide better management facility for canteen staff to efficiently update inventory records, monitor stock levels, and generate reports on sales and purchases of items We also aim to create a customer friendly inventory where orders can be placed seamlessly , and the canteen management can keep an eye on the demand for different menu items.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges we faced and how we overcame them
Many challenges were faced by us while creating this inventory management system. One of them being our participation in our first ever hackathon . But this was overcome by help from our seniors from Celestial Biscuit who were always available when we had any doubt. Another challenge we faced was of completing the required task on time, properly. We were able to overcome this by co-operating with each other by dividing the tasks among ourselves and helping out each other wherever we were stuck. we also faced some technical issues which were resolved by helping each other

Design Challenges

  1. Changing Demand

Customer demand is constantly shifting. Keeping too much could result in obsolete inventory you’re unable to sell, while keeping too little could leave you unable to fulfill customer orders.

  1. Lack of System Optimization

Lack of optimization is a common design problem that makes it more difficult to accurately plan and forecast future inventory needs.

  1. Decentralized Design

An inventory system that stands on its own significantly increases the chances it will be inaccurate. While a decentralized design might initially be a less costly option for a small business on a tight budget, it can prove to be more costly over the long run.

A common problem with an inventory system design is a failure to include methods for cross-referencing the locations of inventory items
