
A Crisis Management App.

The problem Fotia solves


Challenges I ran into

Fotia is a crisis management web app .Disasters are natural events in the wheel of time. We’ve always had hurricanes, droughts and wildfires, flooding and high winds. Disasters are common to india as any nation.
Unlike foriegn nations we don't have advanced machinery to help us during disasters. But what we do have is human resource ,enlightened citizens who are willing to help at the event of their need. With Fotia we plan to make efficient use of these human resource.

Any user can sign in to Fotia to raise their problems. Each problem raised will be listed as cards on Fotia homepage based on the location, Clicking any of these cards will take you to a detailed page of this event, giving you extra details like phone number, location of victim and images of the event. The User can delete the item when he/she have got help.

Fotia will revolutionize the way we have approached hazards Use of Fotia is not limited to a massive disaster but also to any small event like accidents .It can even be used by the police, other relief organisations and also any person who is willing to help. Decentralisation of working on these events will always make the response faster and might even save lives, and Fotia does exactly this. When looking from the side of the victim it's a lot more simpler for him/her , previously he/she had to reach out several services , the servicers ,who might already be busy with helping others , attending other calls , and might not even be able to attend all the victims . But now with Fotia all you need to do is create a problem /event in the app, and rescuers can contact him/her directly.

Technologies used
