The problem that the project attempts to solve is generating profits on deferred payments. It may happen that a future payment scheduled may result in a loss for the payer due to depreciation in the price of assets. The solution works as the schedules a transaction on the smart contract. Then the smart contracts call API using chainlink functions (this is the intended behavior but currently we use some other random method for the same). The API call can be customised and integrated into prediction model which estimates the maximum profit that can be generated by any token from the pool. Then the scheduled payment will be carried out by the chainlink automation.
The chainlink function documentation is not very good for the Foundry framework. The Algorithm to decide and work on automating payments with high gas efficiency was also difficult. Also, indicating CCIP and chainlink functions was quite difficult to integrate. Also, the part where Uniswap is needed to distribute the tokens at the time of deposit was difficult. Difficulties were also faced in finding appropriate methods to call to convert eth to erc20 tokens. Assembling a prototype to imitate functionality and testing it well in short span of time was also difficult.
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