Food Management- Preventing wastage by sales prediction
The website FoodHut can be used by:
- Restuarant owners who can donate their freshly prepared but unused food to the nearby NGO's, oldage homes, etc.
- Wholesalers/Retailers who can sell/donate waste raw food such as bakery items close to expiration date to the NGO's, home for disabled people, etc.
- The NGO's and organizations like those to drop a request for food and our webiste's smart system will map them to the restuarants/ shops according to the demand of the organizations and the food description given by the restuarants who login to our website and fill the 'I want to help form'.
These tasks are made simpler by our website because the in most cases the restaurant owners would be willing to take step ahead and rigorously search for contacts of NGO's near them to donate that food. They would rather prefer to throw that food away. But, using our website they just need to fill a form with there company name, location and food description and we will provide them with a list of NGOs' and organizations like those with the address and working contact number so that it would just dial a call and donate that food.
The same goes for the NGO's if they would request food and we would provide them with the best fit for a restuarant/ retail shop depending upon their requirement and location.
Thus, FoodHut actually makes things simpler, easier and sustainable.
Due to the time constraints, we were not able to integrate the backend of our website properly. Moreover, we intended to increase the users experience in manner that we will inculcate the AI GPS tracker on our website so that it is the AI system that is mapping the restaurants to the NGO, in addition to providing th users with a food map so that they can actually see the nearby places on the map rather than through words.