Created on 27th June 2021
In India, the household food waste estimate is 50 kg per capita per year, or 68,760,163 tonnes a year. In India, a lot of food is thrown out on a regular basis at weddings, celebrations, restaurants, and hotels. India, being a poor country, has to cope with difficult conditions in order to satisfy everyone's fundamental needs. On the worldwide hunger and poverty index, India presently ranks 105th out of 117 nations, ranking below all South-East Asian countries.
Food Savers as a project aims to aid the project by providing a way to reduce the food wastage. The app allows user to add food and information about the food such as expiry date into the virtual fridge by taking a picture. If the food is approaching expiry date, the user can choose to put the item onto community market where other users are able to view the item and message the user to arrange pickup. This way a food item can be shared amongst the community market which could reduce the avoidable food waste.