Created on 7th May 2022
Problem Statement: Create a portal that helps marriage/party halls and individuals
to connect to the nearest places where this food could feed those in need.
Solution: Our aim was to develop a web portal that will make it easier and faster for the donating parties(Marriage halls) to the receiving parties(NGOs).
The donators have a separate portal where they can give complete details for their food(cuisine, servings, consumable time,etc.). After complete submission, these details will show up on the receiving portal so that the receiving parties can view it.
On the recieving portal, from the data given by the donators, the receiver can put up a request for the food items as per their requirement. Now, this request would be displayed on the donating portal where the donator can accept it and view the location of NGO on the map.
As it was our first hackathon, we faced a lot of challenges but tried to overcome each as moved ahead.
To overcome the above challenges: