

FluidPay allows to pay employees salaries and let them create and buy bonds using superfluid.



FluidPay allows to pay employees salaries and let them create and buy bonds using superfluid.

The problem FluidPay solves

FluidPay allows employers to pay employees salaries and let employees create bonds if they need instant money in return of their streams. Using FluidPay an employer can start streaming supertokens to their employees. This allows an employer to easily manage their employees salary. An employee can also use those streams to get instant money using bonds. Bonds allows employees to get instant usdc money in return of superfluid streams. An employee can sell his stream at a low rate for eg 1000usdcx/mo stream at 950 usdc. This allows users to get instant usdc tokens when in need.

Challenges I ran into

Creating the salary Bond smart contract was a very complex task since it requires so much calculation. But we implemented it to a level to make it work. We will be further improving the smart contract to make it more secured.
