Created on 29th March 2022
In this era of online education, we have gone completely digital from writing our notes to making projects that have been evaluated by our teachers. Hence we also need to find a digital way of tracking our learning and the shortcoming that we face while learning a topic of the subject. At the end of the week, we tend to forget about the tasks or the topics we have learned. Here comes the web-extension Flashback which provides you with the necessary tools to manage your learnings on a weekly basis.
A utility tool for representing your work done on a weekly basis so that you can find your work, stay more productive, and understand your shortcomings in the journey of learning about a new Tech Stack or working on an existing project.
Without facing and overcoming challenges, it is impossible to make victory.
We believe we managed to come up with a good executable idea and solution within
the time given to us.
We ultimately found a good and steady workflow. The time constraints were also
challenging, but we set achievable goals and accomplished all of what we set out to.
It was all of our first times using chrome storage API, and we were also generally
relatively new to React Contexts as a whole, so we took help from stackoverflow and other websites to hunt down the bugs.