Sweat It Out



Sweat It Out

The problem FITTERNITY solves

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Health is the biggest asset of every person. We believe in human resource development and seriously feel that with proper healthcare and exercise one has better productivity and a lot more energy, enthusiasm and positivity towards life. In today's busy life, we do not get any time for our own selves and hence forget even the most basic needs just running in the rat race. One such area is regular exercise, which we believe combats most diseases. we have developed an online gym which detects postures and makes your whole gymming experience highly personalized. It is a platform to go from fat to fit or lean to bulky.

Challenges we ran into

We faced a lot of challenges developing this project. there were issues which we faced with text to speech conversion and resolving them was in itself a very big challenge. Also uploading files and training models is a tedious task and hence that was another challenge to be overcomed.
