
Unleash your true potential with FitQuest - Your partner in building sustainable fitness habits

The problem FitQuest solves

FitQuest solves the problem of inconsistency in fitness and wellness habits by providing users with a platform that encourages and rewards them for forming good fitness habits and staying committed to their goals. It helps users track their progress, set achievable weekly goals, and provides them with a reward system to incentivize them to stay motivated and consistent in their fitness journey. By addressing the issue of inconsistency, FitQuest aims to help users achieve long-term health and wellness benefits.

Features it provides:

  1. Weekly step goals: FitQuest sets weekly step goals for users based on their subscription plan, which helps them track their progress and stay motivated.
  2. Flutter application integration: Users can sync their step data from the Flutter application with FitQuest to keep track of their progress.
  3. Rewards system: FitQuest rewards users with unique tokens through superfluid money distribution when they achieve their daily step goals, incentivizing them to stay consistent and motivated.
  4. Arcana Auth integration: Users can connect to FitQuest securely and easily using Arcana Wallet.
  5. Progress tracking: FitQuest allows users to track their progress over time, including their step counts, calories burned, and other wellness metrics.
  6. Personalized achievements: FitQuest provides personalized achievements on dashboard to inspire users achieve their fitness and wellness goals more effectively.

Challenges we ran into

  • We encountered a few errors while building more personalized tokens for superfluid money distribution. So we implemented ERC20 which is available in a superfluid.
  • It was a challenging task to map the user data from Flutter Application as there is no support for Arcana Auth for the dart. We could be able to integrate the user data with Arcana Wallet via the verification process. So the user will verify by entering the random verification code in the Flutter app.
