
Angels won't maintain your physique, Angles will :)

The problem FitNut solves

In spite of an ocean of various fitness apps, they fail to tackle the most important thing required for a perfect workout, i.e to integrate the accessible advanced tech & help the user do it the right way. So, here we are with the perfect blend of applied AI/ML to make sure of the upright posture and to give suggestions for the improvement of the same. Also, adding a cherry on the cake, there's a solution to the kick one needs to workout right from his/her home. People join gyms in the month of Jan, but drop out real soon due to various possible reasons: FOMO, underperformance, insecurities, etc. Thus, we have added a leaderboard to ensure friendly competition between them & let them grow right from the comfort of their respective houses.

Challenges we ran into

During the development process, the major challenge was to use the data given by the MLkit in order to detect the pushup and count the repetitions of those pushups which were done in a correct form. We also faced challenges while integrating the database with the user login method and while writing the number of pushups into the database corresponding to the user. The working model contains:
1.A working app with google api authentication and registers the user to the firebase database
2.MLkit based pose dectection and classifier(works for push up and squats)
To Note:
There is a bug in displaying the number of pushups which cleared soon.
