
Social Media Site that supports Follow & Following Features, Services like Posting & Drafting Messages, adding and removing Self Introduction from Profile and many others


The problem FireHunt solves

FireHunt (Web Application) is a locally developed Social Media Site that supports Follow & Following Features, Services like Posting & Drafting Messages, Adding/Removing Self Introductions from Profiles, and many others. Every Account has a Unique Username & E-Mail ID through which the Profile is identified & processed for operations. The User's Data including Name, Username, E-Mail ID, Self Introduction, Total Posts Count & Other Sections is privately stored in Firebase Firestore Database. Other Information like No. of Followers, Total Following Count, and Messages Posted is privately stored in MongoDB Database. The Registering, Logging & Signing Out Services are successfully handled by Firebase Authentication Tools. Upon Successfully Registering, the User receives a Verification E-Mail at the E-Mail ID associated with that Account. Without Confirming the E-Mail ID, the User is not allowed to navigate to the Account Page. The User can Change Self Introduction, Name, and Password & can Sign Out & Delete the Account from the Account Page. The User can Post & Draft Messages from the Home Page of the App. Also, Users can navigate to the Other User's Profile Pages where they can Follow/Unfollow the User in the Profile. The Live Updating & Refreshing of the Data is truly supported on every page of the Web App.
Please Note: All Data (Including Posts, Drafts, and Following/Follower Logs) associated with the Account is properly deleted upon Successful Deletion of the Account. It is assumed that No Data is misused anywhere.
