


The problem FI-Protocol solves

Feedback Incentivized(FI-Protocol) aims to transform the bug reporting process by addressing key issues in Intellectual Property (IP) management, incentivization, and transparency:

1. Lack of IP Incentives: Traditional systems fail to adequately reward users for their contributions to software improvement, leading to fewer high-quality bug reports.
2. Inefficiency and Opaqueness: The bug reporting, verification, and resolution process can be slow and non-transparent, making it difficult for developers to manage bugs efficiently.
3. Trust and Verification: Ensuring the authenticity and originality of bug reports, especially when multiple users report the same issue, can be challenging.

How FI-Protocol Makes Tasks Easier and Safer:
Incentivized Bug Reporting:

  • Rewards for Contributions: Users earn tokens for reporting bugs, motivating them to contribute high-quality reports.
  • Staking Mechanism: Users stake tokens to receive FI tokens, creating a dedicated community of bug reporters.

Efficient and Transparent Process:

  • NFT Generation: Bug reports are converted into timestamped NFTs, ensuring transparent proof of contribution and originality.
  • AI-Powered Rewards: Accepted bug reports trigger AI-generated NFTs, boosting the reporter’s credibility and reward potential.

Integration with Story Protocol:

  • Licensing and Royalty Management: Integrates Story Protocol’s Licensing and Royalty modules to manage IP rights transparently and fairly.
  • Dispute Resolution: Uses the Disputes module to resolve conflicts related to bug reports efficiently.

By leveraging the capabilities of Story Protocol, Feedback Incentivized(FI-Protocol) revolutionizes the bug reporting process, making it more efficient, rewarding, and transparent for all participants while ensuring that Intellectual Property rights are managed fairly and effectively.

Challenges we ran into

Building Feedback Incentivized(FI-Protocol) presented several challenges that tested our problem-solving skills and technical expertise.

Hurdles we encountered and how we overcame them:
1. Integration with Story Protocol Modules
Challenge: Integrating with Story Protocol's Licensing, Royalty, and Disputes modules was complex, requiring a deep understanding of the protocol’s smart contracts and SDK.
Solution: We dedicated significant time to studying the Story Protocol documentation and engaging with their developer community. This helped us understand the nuances of each module and implement seamless integrations. Regular communication with Story Protocol’s support team also provided valuable insights and guidance.

2. NFT Generation for Bug Reports
Challenge: Converting bug reports into timestamped NFTs required us to ensure that each report was uniquely identifiable and verifiable.
Solution: We developed a robust NFT generation system that includes timestamping and metadata to capture all relevant details of the bug reports. This involved creating custom smart contracts and ensuring compatibility with existing blockchain standards.

3. AI-Powered Reward System
Challenge: Implementing an AI system to generate rewards and boost user credibility posed a significant technical challenge, particularly in terms of integrating AI with blockchain technology.
Solution: We used a hybrid approach, leveraging off-chain AI processing to evaluate bug reports and on-chain smart contracts to issue rewards. This allowed us to maintain the integrity and security of the blockchain while utilizing the power of AI.

Through perseverance and collaboration, we successfully navigated these challenges, resulting in a robust and innovative platform that aligns with Story Protocol’s vision of making IP programmable and accessible.
