
Fintrack is a platform where college students can track their cashflow. wheather money is going in or out, wheather they are spending more or less. Students can also set their monthly savings goals

The problem FinTrack solves

It’s very hard being a student to keep track of all records of my Bills💸. How much did I spend on food/stationery/registration today ? What amount did my parents send me this month ? How much am left with ? Would saving money even help me in buying that phone📱?
Here comes finTrack🔥 A completely dynamic web app🌐 based on nodejs, express and mongoDB . We have several features
integrated into our app. Students can make their very own user profiles and can save their data on our database . Students can take a quick glance into his income and expenses on their dashboard . Data is represented using charts in a very user-friendly way and there are different sections for managing users resources
On our site user can set his monthly savings goals and see the progress as time moves on. This will help a lot of students to grow good financial habbits

Challenges we ran into

Bugs and errors usually arrive in development process. Developing a full-fledge web app was not a easy task for us we all were the lerners of these technologies . We faced some Major bugs and fixed them. Some of them are listed below:

1-->We rendered the html template on server side and sent its as response and the html will request the static css and js files from the server. But as the response came from server what we did is overwrite the current html of current page.we had a side bar whose logic and functional should be available to all js files of different pages but as we overwrote the current html the event listeners linked to elements were removed and reinitializing them in new js files would create (already created error). after a lot of trials we solved the bug by reseting the variables and relinking the event listeners

2-->We had a global user variable where information (like incomeSources and expenses) of user are stored .The ui of dashboard was set to update according to it but when user added new sources and expenses it would not been updated on other pages so we had to make new requests to our server and handle them

3--> Many other problems related to dom manipulations were arrived during the making of this project
