Learn with us Earn with us. Make money while Learning.



Learn with us Earn with us. Make money while Learning.

The problem FINLEARN solves

The model helps us maintain and record a streak of payments made regularly which helps us earn rewards after some amount of time if they are regular,helps us buy our favourite Nike Air Jordans even when we haven’t saved enough for them and let us pay later over a span of time that too according to our choice isn’t it cool??? and how about even getting rewards on these savings, making all your payments that you need, yes we have it all for you.Needless to say we help you track your expenses manage them and make you financially smarter than your peers.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge we faced was making the smartEMI and Streak buttons functional and redirecting them to a actual model which calculates and updates in real time for the user due to lack of databases

Tracks Applied (2)


Helps people learn about finance literacy

Fampay Track 2

Maintains a streak if you try to learn daily.

