Finity is an extensive & in-depth collection of the Stock market & Financial lessons, Books, Playlists, & Resources. Along with a huge community Forum of new learners to learn & interact alongside you



Finity is an extensive & in-depth collection of the Stock market & Financial lessons, Books, Playlists, & Resources. Along with a huge community Forum of new learners to learn & interact alongside you

The problem FINITY solves

College students studying in the best Colleges / Institutes of one of the biggest nations in the world, not at all aware of how to do their Finances, how to build wealth, or make smart investment choices is a very scary scenario to imagine. But, unfortunately, it's a factual one. As soon as we saw one of the themes as Fintech wherein description organizers were talking about Financial Literacy, we knew which problem we wanted to address. We can build all the tools and hacks we want, but it's only a success when the Millenials and Genzies of this country despite their carrier paths know how to get educated and make smart decisions in this field. To verify this issue we went around & talked to a lot of our classmates, and what we observed was that if most students were to quantify their level of Basic Financial Knowledge, they won't choose a figure higher than 30% on average. It's just not that they lack the knowledge, they also lack the "Know-How of how to acquire that Knowledge". This is where we found our Problem Statement. We thought about how the students of this generation approach education, how can we help them. Students today don't respond well to just sitting in a class and being told what to do & how to do it. What they appreciate more is giving them a guided collection and path towards Literacy and the comfort and choice of their own on how to navigate through it. So all we needed to do was to create that Guided collection and path towards Literacy in Finance. One of our teammates even went ahead and talked to one of his friends from a Finance background to verify our solution, and he liked it, giving us some extra motivation. Hence FINity ( a wordplay on Fin & Infinity ), as already mentioned is an extensive and in-depth collection of Content, Information, & Resources. And since learning is always more fun when it's done as a part of a community. We thought of a Stack-overflow / Reddit-like Forum as part of Finity, for our community members to interact.

Challenges we ran into

  • How to create a Stack-overflow / Reddit-like Forum, since none of us knew how to do this, and it could not have been executed within just 2 days. We looked around on Github to find somebody else's content that we can use.
    Here is the link to their Project: https://github.com/salihozdemir/stackoverflow-clone
  • Once we got this code we faced multiple issues while modifying and integrating it with our Project. We tried our best within the given time and made it work to some extent.
  • Since this is just a solution concept, not a fully research-backed product, we knew we needed to create a section on our website which had some lessons and modules for education in our website for the judges to be properly able to understand our approach and solution so, for now, we borrowed content from https://zerodha.com/varsity/ .
