

The Ultimate Financial Companion for Women!

The problem FinGuru solves

FinGuru offers a tailored solution to address the crucial need for financial literacy and empowerment among women. Our platform provides accessible educational resources, including detailed blogs covering diverse investment opportunities and government schemes specifically tailored for women. Whether users are interested in stocks, mutual funds, real estate, or exploring government-backed initiatives, FinGuru ensures comprehensive coverage. Moreover, our personalized financial consultancy service, delivered through voice calls, offers expert guidance on navigating investment options, understanding taxation, and maximizing government benefits. With FinGuru, women are empowered to make informed financial decisions, ultimately securing their financial future with confidence and clarity.

Tracks: Women Empowerment and Sustainability
[SDG 5 - Gender Equality]
[SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth]

Challenges we ran into

For the first time we developed a web application using flutter. It was a learning and challenging experience. We faced a bunch of bugs and we then solved them by trial and error , browsing the internet . While researching for the government schemes we found out a lot of schemes are discontinued which is not updated on the official portal.
