
Our mission is to help students find the perfect place that they can call home outside home.

The problem FindHut solves

The struggle to find a place that ticks all the criterias of your perfect idea of home is real and a common one. We too faced this problem and that is how the idea to built a website went on floors. The FindHut solves several problems related to buying,selling and renting property. Here are some of the problems that FindHut addresses.

  1. Smooth Registeration: Registeration is a Hectic process but with FindHut, its not anymore. FindHut has a very smooth registeration process which allows users to get themselves registered easily and quickly.

2.Search to filter: Finding the right property in the sea of properties can be a daunting and time consuming task. That is why here at FindHut, we provide our users with the option to filter property based on the type of property they want. It will narrow down the amount to results shown to an extent and helps users get the choice of their property quickly.

  1. Difficulty in Listing a property: Listing a property for sale can be a difficult and time consuming processes. FindHut allows the sellers to upload their property with just 3 easy steps. The sellers can get themselves registered on the website, list the features of the property by clicking on the listyourproperty button and submit.

Challenges we ran into

Building a website like FindHut which involves complex functionality such as User registeration, Property search and property listing can be a challenging and time-consuming task. Our time in here was full of bugs and somehow we managed to sail through this sea of bugs. It was our first full stack project and that is why we faced so many problems while building this project. This is our first time working with database like MongoDB Atlas and handlebars so we had to learn everything from scratch, which sure was time consuming and hectic but with the help of mentors and official documentation, we managed build this project.
