Find my Activity

Find my Activity

Know the locations of your AIS ( Automatic Identification System) inactivity and associated predicted reasons in Baltic sea.

Created on 29th January 2023

Find my Activity

Find my Activity

Know the locations of your AIS ( Automatic Identification System) inactivity and associated predicted reasons in Baltic sea.

The problem Find my Activity solves

The project targets the Blue Economy problem statement - Flagging of (AIS) INactivity Data (FIND).
The project's code distinguishes possible points of AIS inactivity of a vessel that is essential for a vessel's safety as it tracks down its regular location, speed and other attributes to a base station and other vessels around. The inactivity is broadly classified into three categories as
0: Unknown :- the reason is unknown( maybe it was intentional or some error)
1: Geographic reason :- Many vessels were found to be inactive in the area at a time which indicates geographical tensions or may be saturation of system due to high vessel density
2: Poor transmission signal
The inactivity stated regions may be researched further by authorities to get a possible solution which may be improvement in the system. Our work majorly focuses on around 90 vessels in Baltic sea all aorund a year to showcase variation due to monthly weather. This can be further implemented to other regions.

Challenges we ran into

The greatest challenge we faced was Data curation. As the data wasn't prelabelled, we had to analyse possible locations of inactivity of vessels and then categorise on basis of frequency of inactive points. Further its analysis and model implementation was also tiresome.


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