

A complete solution for money making and management. Making and managing money in a single platform

The problem Finanta solves

An app that provides it users a true sketch of their financial expenses along with providing them financial advices and a tool where they can invest their savings money onto liquid funds through their AMC bank accounts and can earn returns which are high compared to traditional bank FD's and can best the remorse effect of inflation. Newly working section of the society has no idea regarding how and how much to spend so we provide them a group of basic goals like housing,car,rent,travel,medical expenses, savings etc... and how they can achieve them and for that what percentage of income should they utilize in each of these goals as its EMI or downpayment.

Challenges we ran into

We might need to earn the trust of users, to make our USP's clear to the user so that we can differentiate ourselves from our competitor IND money.We need to incorporate financial advic
