

Track your spendings and get insights from the app which will make you cautious about your habits just by a simple upload a monthly bank statements.



Track your spendings and get insights from the app which will make you cautious about your habits just by a simple upload a monthly bank statements.

The problem Financi solves

Ever wondered where all of your salary went, just yesterday you had your bank account refilled with your monthly salary/allowance and now it seems everything disappeared. Do you also spend and spend and only realize it when the Bank sends an SMS with your bank balance. According to a study conducted by Allianz generations ahead, around 50 % of millennials overspend and that is a shocking number. Worry not because you are not alone as the numbers project. One can attain financial independence with growth in income but keeping check on spending is equally important.

We(hp, Pushpendra V., Taksh Panchal, Sarvesh Khandelwal) have come up with a solution named ‘Financi’ that will generate insights from your transactions that you have done for a particular month, you can provide this information using your bank monthly transaction. From that we will provide you with visualization and insights that will tell you where you spent and how much. You will not have to worry about your sensitive data as most of our operations are anonymous. We do not store any sensitive information so you can trust us. We also provide predictions of your next spendings based on the pattern of the data that we received and can also help you to manage them. Our info section provides you with information on how you can become financially independent and become more secure about your financial life.

Challenges we ran into

Main challenges that we faced were related to the design and flow of the application. We faced issue when trying to integrate different services that we have in our app. We have a backend server which serves out database information and then a ML server which gives out prediction to the user. Connecting these two with the frontend server was a big task. Deploying them on a cloud platform was another challenge. We were provided with CockroachDB and GoDaddy so their respective tasks were eased, else from our previous hackathons we might have faced issues in our database and domain name registration. Apyhub was a bit difficult to implement properly because of CORS issue and also our inability to utilise the time provided to interact with mentors of the library hurt us and we could only manage to use One API from the ApyHub library.
