Fethr is a unique solution for those concerned with privacy and freedom of expression in journalism. A decentralized journaling platform that offers a unique solution for those concerned with privacy and freedom of expression in journalism. By decentralizing the platform, control is taken away from centralized authorities and placed in the hands of the users, allowing for secure reporting and consumption of news without the threat of retaliation or monitoring. The platform prioritizes the anonymity of both journalists and readers, providing a safe space for free and open expression. In addition to promoting privacy, the platform also provides monetization opportunities for journalists and readers, allowing them to earn income while participating. This combination of privacy, security, and monetization make the decentralized journaling platform a valuable tool for anyone looking to express themselves freely and securely in the world of journalism.
Due to time shortage, we ran out of time while connecting the frontend with backend and hence only primary functions are connected and usable but we managed to deliver a project that we all were proud of.
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