
Web3 Feed For All Gamers. See what games alpha users play.

Created on 17th February 2023



Web3 Feed For All Gamers. See what games alpha users play.

The problem Feedbeats solves

As Web3 gamers, it is difficult to know how the users in alpha communities are playing on-chain games. It's absolutely valuable for all web3 gamers to catch up the latest trend and getting a position.

How to solve with feedbeats
Gamers can see what games and which events the alpha users play. They can get the event information of users follow on Lens protocol as a feed contents. We fetch on-chain events focused on on-chain games via RSS3.

For game projects
As a project, they can spread the game to various users without doing their own PR just by having a game played by alpha users. Therefore, they can focus on making a good game.

Challenges we ran into

We had two big challenges to build feedbeats.

  1. Getting the information about social graph. It's important for feedbeats to aggregate the info of people the gamer/users follow.
  2. Create a feed from On-chain information. It's easier for users to see the information as a feed style.

How did we get over it

  1. We've used Lens protocol to judge who's the alpha gamers for the user/gamer. feedbeats fetch the data of people they follow on Lens protocol.
  2. We've user RSS3 to distribute the information as a feed style.


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