Feed the Need

Feed the Need

A network that feeds the needy efficiently and optimally.

The problem Feed the Need solves

Records says that about 573M of people are starving and food for 565M people are getting wasted every year! Why not we make a system that connects the people who are starving and the people that has excess food . Here comes a system, Feed The Need that provides a solution by connecting food seekers (people that are starving from food) with food donors(people that has excess food) through the NGOs and social activists.


General Public - people that see food seekers and report in the portal
Food donors - people that has excess food
NGO - Organisation that delievers food to food seekers from food donors
Super-admin - People that has total access to the system

Challenges we ran into

It was difficult for us to grab the intuitive approach initially but as time progesses we got a grip on how the project should be framed and equipped. We than ran after getting Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing stacks into this project which eventually ended up in vein due to privacy intrusion of the common public. Finally the hosting service drived us nuts as we couldn't arrive to a proper way to host our product despite of getting the domain name.
