Fast Funds

Fast Funds

Financial issues? We got your back!

Created on 25th February 2023

Fast Funds

Fast Funds

Financial issues? We got your back!

The problem Fast Funds solves

Fast Funds is an application which basically connects a lender with the borrower who is in need of money, in short it acts like a P2P lending app but it's not completely about lending or borrowing money, to make it stand out from other applications we came up with social point of view where donations can be requested for a good cause.

Donations: With the help of our website a person or an organization who is in need of funds can request for a donation.

Coming to the loan section if a user need loans he/she can view the list of all lenders.A borrower needs to upload identity proofs,bank statements and signed agreement which will be auto generated once the borrower requests money to the lender, then the lender can verify those documents and accept the borrower's request.

A Lender can be benifitted by earning a side hussle income from this application, a borrower can get instant loans and also as this is a p2p lending application he/she can even request for small amount of money.

What's unique about this website?
Ans.Since any person will not go particularly to the fundrasising websites and donate money so the traffic will be comparitively less in those applications but as our application is commercial cum social platform the point of reach to the donation request will be high.

Challenges we ran into

As we need to show the lender and borrower their previews lendings and borrowings, in the backend we faced issues while finding the logic for doing the calculations and also whenever a borrower requests for a loan an automatic agreement will be generated conatining all the details of the loan so that was a bit challenging for us.


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