

Multi-Account Cast Scheduler with Analytics, Campaigns & Rewards - powered by $DEGEN

Created on 30th June 2024



Multi-Account Cast Scheduler with Analytics, Campaigns & Rewards - powered by $DEGEN

The problem Farthercast solves

As someone who works in web3 marketing I believe the biggest issues faced are: Content Strategy and Creation, Audience Engagement, Measuring ROI and Time Management.

At the moment, this version solves the problem of time management. By allowing a user who could be managing multiple accounts for clients or products the chance to schedule casts. This means that marketing tasks could be assigned to a specific time in a week freeing up the need to be accessing different accounts and posting daily. Which can be time consuming and also distracting.

As I continue to build out the campaigns feature, which will allow users to gain additional exposure by creating quests that will reward their community for their engagement and help create an active and loyal fan base.

By rewarding users with the $DEGEN token it also incentives regular involvement boosting audience engagement.

As I continue to build out the analytics feature - users will be able to track their community engagement allowing them to make informed decisions and will help them plan their marketing strategy.

By using the $DEGEN token as payment, Any user that tips any cast by my account or the product account, they will be assigned credits to use on the platform. This opens up to all users who dont have gas fees, or credit cards or even users who do not want a monthly subscription and use a fully decentralised payment method. This also promotes posting and engagement on casts.

Challenges I ran into

Honestly, I am never show how to answer these. Being a developer means there are hurdles/bugs everywhere and once Ive solved something I usually erase it from memory and move on. So I will just list what comes to mind now. As I am using the Neynar API I ran into a few challenges. These were:

  1. API not having enough flexibility or creativity for extracting data needed. I am limited to the endpoints provided.
  2. Webhook issues (Submitted a ticket but still waiting) - This is stopping the "tips" feature from crediting user accounts. There is no solution to this at the moment. Once fixed on neynar - analytics, tips and campaigns can go live.

Some hurdles I can think of now is:

  1. Time. I underestimated how long this would take to build and as such could only complete 1 of the 3 features I wanted. I wanted to create an analytics dashboard, a campaign dashboard and rewards. (I am also holding down a full time job)
  2. Cost. There are some free API's out there but it would require using multiple ones for the functionality I needed. I decided to go with Neynar. In the future should I get some traction/funding from this I plan to build/run my own hub which will offer more flexibility and control over fixing issues.
  3. Lack of dev support for farcaster - a ticket system would be nice.


Tracks Applied (1)

Social Track

This product fits into the social category because it addresses key challenges faced by social media marketers in web3 m...Read More

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