
Let's help our Country's Farmers!!

Created on 21st March 2021



Let's help our Country's Farmers!!

The problem FarmPay solves

The Indian agriculture acts of 2020, often referred to as the Farm Bills, are three acts initiated by the Parliament of India in September 2020. The Lok Sabha approved the bills on 17 September 2020 and the Rajya Sabha on 20 September 2020. The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind gave his assent on 27 September 2020. From then on, a lot of fear gripped our Country's farmers mostly because of several misconceptions and a lot lies spread among them by oportunistic people. Farmers had the following main concers:

Farmers want minimum support price for each crop as they want fair amount for their hard work.
Farmers due to lack of awareness do not know the different ways of approaching the Law to solve their problems regarding Contract Farming. So, they fear their lands would be taken away.
Since stubble burning has been banned by the new laws , farmers don’t know how to get rid of the waste.
The new laws allows the unlimited hoarding of crops so in time of crisis the prices are bound to rise.

FarmPay, as the name suggests is an smartphone application cum website made in consideration of the Farmers' produce trade and commerce (promotion and facilitation) Act , 2020. This application provides an electronic trading platform for both farmers and wholesalers, having the following features:

Ensuring MSP for each transaction as the wholesalers will not be allowed to make a bid below the MSP.
Providing Legal advice to farmers for their doubts and problems regarding contract farming.
Providing assistance to farmers in turning their stubble to compost using different modern methods.
A well maintained central database to keep track of each transaction as well as stocks of all wholesalers.

Challenges we ran into

Backend part of Website was complex.
Integration of the MongoDB and Firebase Databases was very difficult.


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