
Connecting Rural and Urban India digitally

The problem FarMoney solves

In a country like India where agriculture is the backbone of the economy, it's a shame that majority of the working population is not even remotely involved in agriculture.

While Farming is profitable, In most cases small farmers find them in huge debt and thus, unable to make their ends meet. Even if they get an influx of funds once, it is impossible for them to sustain it. All in all, farmers are in need of capital to grow their business.

While many people wish to be a part of this, there exists no such platform that connects them directly to farmers and no progress is made in this situation.

Challenges we ran into

Making the sidebar in the home page and adding the animation in the first page was indeed a challenge we faced during this but thanks to our attitude and mentorship from seniors, we were able to overcome it and thus, successfully deployed the app.
