The problem FarmLand solves
The goal of the project is to help the farmers and Agri input businesses. This divide into three-part:
- Crop Information: Crop Information is the information regarding crops from the basic to everything related to a crop.
- Crop care: In that, we detect the pest and give them a proper solution. Easy to understand for everyone we are using
Natural language processing. In that, we provide a solution in multilanguage i.e English and Hindi.
To solve their queries and give them the guidance of schedule, fertilizer details and many more things we are building the chatbot.
- Market place: The Third Part Market Place contains information market rates and using a prediction algorithm farmers can be given an idea abt the future and it will help them to works accordingly. Along with this our system also has a subscription
a system like a newsletter so as to get daily updates and required information as an email or an SMS.
As a conclusion, this project is very helpful for the farmers and the required results are achievable. Integrating advanced technology to the primary sector of our country is a necessity and this project will hold a small part for that cause.