
To make Farmer Insurance easy, efficient and error-free.

The problem FarmInsure solves

Farmers suffering due to drought and flood, to the extent of committing suicide, is a huge problem in India. Even though the government tried and is still trying its best to solve this problem, clearly the problem is still unsolved even today. A centralized trustful system to solve such problems is prone to corruption and other unethical practices. So a decentralized trustless system might prove to be very useful in such a situation.
We can make an insurance platform for Indian farmers that would be fully managed and operated by decentralized computer systems instead of human beings, organizations, or centralized servers/databases.

A smart contract by itself cannot interact with the outside world by any means, for example hitting APIs. The only way smart contracts can get information from the outside world is by means of oracles

Challenges we ran into

It was difficult to integrate Chainlink oracle with our existing use case. We wanted to access external data collected by Weather APIs and access them in our smart contract for automating the insurance claims. We went through the Polygon, Chainlink docs and video tutorials. Finally, we were able to use ChainLink Oracle with our platform.
We also faced some issues while integrating Arcana Auth with our smart contract. We overcame it by going through the docs and using the GitHub examples for Arcana.

The second challenge was to integrate the Oracle and Chainlink with our frontend Ui and make everything working.

Also, we worked with Arcana to make social authentication of the Farmer possible, this required a lot of efforts as we wanted to make gasless transactions.

Tracks Applied (2)

Ethereum + Polygon Track

We have deployed the contract on polygon testnet and also we have also dynamically created new contracts on the go.


Ethereum Track

We have deployed the contract on polygon testnet and also we have also dynamically created new contracts on the go.

