Created on 6th September 2020
Improper Implementation and wanting knowledge for farmers to have the best possible products available for the intended crop growth. Segregation of services for the entire agricultural business sector. High Investment and Low Profit for the farmers due to ignorance from the market consumers. Direct procurement from farmers and sold to consumer .Online Ecommerce Platform to buy premium produce. Get a modern PowerPoint tProvision of Farming tools and Machinery on Lease. Seed , Organic Pesticides direct FARM Delivery
Live Guidance through Chatbot
Available in Regional Languages . Direct Costumers support. Online Mentorship program on Business , Finance and new Government scheme for Agriculture. Land Consolidation , Finance , Banking Management
Promote Organic Products.
Make Farmers more Acquainted to Business.
Increase in Farming related enterprises , removing monopoly barrier.
Increased LOCAL production due to Cooperative Culture.
Geographic linguistic Differences
Currently in Beta Mode
Lack of real time data avaailibilty and new trends .
Logistics and storage depravity